Why Pink flamingos? Hello!
You are in the right place if you have lost your mom or if you simply want to reflect and find all the amazing gifts of her life that you likely took for granted. The journey is about remembering the stories, celebrating with gratitude, and the transformation from finding your real legacy: the values of your mother's life. My name is Dee Dee Raap. This journey began when my mom died suddenly of a heart attack, just before Christmas, in 1990. My first book, Dear Mom, shares letters I wrote Mom that allowed me to heal and celebrate the gifts of her life I had taken for granted. I later wrote a sequel, Find Your Pink Flamingos, to help people take that same amazing journey. Let's Find YOUR Pink Flamingos!
We easily take the wisdom of our mom for granted. She was, after all, merely a mom who made you do chores, clean your room and play nicely with your siblings. Not only was my mom wise, she was also goofy in a fun-loving way. She proved this the first summer she adorned the front yard of our prairie farmhouse with a flock of plastic pink flamingos. After her death, Mom’s once mortifying flamingos became a symbol of the gifts of Mom’s life—values she taught in words, actions, and yes, even a flock of plastic pink flamingos! I miss Mom and I cherish how her values continue to guide my life. I share these values in my books, Facebook group and newsletter in hopes that you, too, will discover your mother’s wisdom in places you took for granted, or that even embarrassed you, as you find your values, a.k.a., your own pink flamingos! |
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